Thursday, January 30, 2014

                                    MissyBelle Goes 

                                 To The Hairdresser

Oh, my lawdy mercy!  You humans may think it takes a lot for you to get your hair done, but what if you were me?  We little faux femmes have saran fiber instead of hair, and it takes a whole different method to change our hairstyles.

Listen here to what I have to go through.  First the beads which you see in the photo below were removed and my hair was cut to shoulder length. So far that was a piece of cake.  Then it was set on a combination of pipe cleaners and very small perm rods.  Still didn't require anything of me but sitting there, and I do that well.

Next came what is known in the fashion doll world as a 'boil perm'.  O.U.C.H. If you are squimish you should stop reading here!  Seriously!  Even the name should warn you ... Boil Perm?   This basically means my head was put into boiling water for a couple of minutes and then dunked into ice water!  Now I ask you, is that kind?   Next, I just relax for a day or two while the hair dries.  A comb-out, and voila!  Here I am with the more 50's style which I think suits my personality to a T.

1 comment:

AuntLou said...

Oh, MissyBelle, you look so sophisticated! I hope you feel it was worth the hard work! :)